Table of Tears

The Table of Tears is a six foot diameter stained glass and acrylic art installation about the Art of Healing by the Rev. Donna Fado Ivery, 2000-2004. Seven teardrop portraits tell the story of a variety of people excluded from or oppressed by the church at some point in history with biblical justification. A Holy Spirit Centerpiece pulls together the tears into one whole functioning table. Designed to break down easily for travel and acts of worship, the Table of Tears accompanies the artist who speaks and teaches on the Art of Healing.

Donna Fado Ivery has turned some of her different experiences of life into brilliant creativity and artistic insight. Her work seems to penetrate the boundaries of consciousness and unite us with that which is transcendent.

John Shelby Spong

Bishop of Newark, Retired, The Episcopal Church

Celebrating communion on this table was powerful. The brokenness and beauty of life in community is embodied in the Table of Tears. Members of our congregation felt their stories were heard and honored. The Holy Spirit’s transforming flames helped us to remember and anticipate Christ’s coming and rekindle the gifts of God in the midst of struggle.

Odette Lockwood-Stewart

United Methodist Minister, Retired, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, California

The Holy Spirit Centerpiece

Teardrop Dedicated to Women

Teardrop Dedicated to the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing

Teardrop Dedicated to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Persons

Teardrop Dedicated to Those Who Suffer From Mental Illness

Teardrop Dedicated to African Americans

Teardrop Dedicated to Victims of Japanese Internment

Teardrop Dedicated to the Left Handed